Monday, February 15, 2010

Confession: I Have an Obsession

Do you ever watch DVD extras? I can't get enough of You've Got Mail (it's the movie I watch when I long for spring). I have watched it so many times that I broke down and watched the commentary with Nora Ephron. She is delightful and I can't get enough of her right now - after reading Marta's lovely review of I Feel Bad About My Neck, I am currently listening to the book on CD. I find Nora to be a witty, engaging essayist. I won't wax poetic for you as my review would pale in comparison to the gorgeous valentine that Marta wrote to Nora. Nonetheless, I can say that I know I love her because I can call her Nora. Authors that you can call by their first name are the absolute best kind.

It's the perfect time of year to begin an obsession with Nora Ephron. In winter, I tend to feel extremely uninspired and, well, depressed. I'm sure you know this about me. Nora's book and movie really inspire me. She makes me want to take up a pen and write my own essays about my life and my own dislike of purses. I want to own my own bookstore and lead my own quaint little life with flowers, cardigans, and children's books. I love that. I love that a good book, movie, photograph, whatever can just heal your worn out little soul.

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